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2005-08-04 - 5:09 p.m.

I'm only writing on here because it enables me to keep multi-tasking inefficiently and I won't feel so guilty that I've had the afternoon to myself and I could have used it so productively but all I did was surf the web (but I was looking for volunteer opportunities!).
Blockbuster has got me watching movies much more than I ever have before. So far I've watched "Supersize Me," "Hotel Rwanda," "Notre Musique," and "Spellbound." Next up is "Girl in the Sneakers" (an Iranian movie Spencer HASN'T seen), "Lumumba" and "Seventh Seal." I'm not trying to be pretentious in my movie selection (I should add that the first two movies I checked out were "X-Men" and "X2" so that Spencer could see them), but I feel like I have an opportunity to see movies that I might not otherwise, to expand my worldview and to learn about things.
I've been reading, too. After the HBP I haven't managed to finish a book...I'm reading three. One is a biography of Lewis Carroll that I don't particularly like but feel sort of obliged to finish. Then I started reading /The Second Sex/ but Georgiana packed it somewhere and I haven't had a chance to ask her if I can borrow it. And then yesterday I started reading /The Beauty Myth/ by Naomi Wolf and it's so so interesting. I hadn't planned on working my way through my list of feminist texts that I want to read, but then the flux library makes it so easy and I am really so into it all. Even reading stuff I don't agree with 100% is still so interesting. I wish someone else were reading /The Beauty Myth/ with me so that I could talk about it. Kingman's too busy reading his Marxist stuff...I shouldn't complain though since he put that on hold to read HBP and I think it was mostly for my sake.
It's so hot here. I really can't get over it.
Oh I thought I had so much to write and that it would be interesting, but I was wrong! It's too hot to think!


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